The Merman: Landfall (Paperback) (HIDDEN)

The final book (Book 5) of the m/m merman romance series from Raythe Reign.

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Gabriel Braven knows his destiny, but is he willing to face it?

Gabriel has only one day left on land before moving to the wondrous Mer city to live forever with his true love, Mer Prince Casillus Nerion.  He wishes his greatest challenges were giving up making love on land with Casillus and telling his beloved grandmother that he is a merman. But ex-soldier Johnson Tims has other plans for him.

Twisted by exposure to the magical statute of the dread creature Cthulhu, Johnson intends to start a war with the Mers.  He wants Gabriel to use his power as a Caller to bring Cthulhu itself to land, something that Gabriel has sworn never to do.  If he does, everyone on the East Coast will die.

When Johnson takes the desperate measure of kidnapping Casillus, Corey, and their Miskatonic friends, Gabriel must come up with a plan to save both his loved ones and the entire Eastern Seaboard from death and insanity.

This is the final book in “The Merman” Series and is almost 2x as long as Books 1-4.

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Raythe Reign members get all 5 books in the Merman series included with their Membership.


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