Raythe Reign – What’s included?

Written stories

Raythe writes serial M/M web novels and updates according to a monthly calendar. These are usually between 100 – 200 chapters long, because a lot happens. They often have more than one main M/M couple, like Ever Dark and The Night Prince..

She updates with 12 written chapters / month across 3-4 stories. Usually the fan favorites get more chapters, like Night Prince and Ever Dark Equinox. Here’s what our Feb 2025 calendar looked like:

To access any of the stories, go to the main menu. The stories are alphabetical, and ALL of them are in there – both completed and current. We… may have to change this later since it’s a little crammed.

Audio Chapters

We post around 6 audio chapters / month too! Right now, the main updates are Dragon’s Reign (narrated by Raythe and Edward Fox) and The Night Prince (narrated by Raythe.) You can see them on the sample calendar above.

In June 2025, we’ll have our Season 2 of Ever Dark full-cast production, Ever Dark Academy. Our audio chapters can be found in their own menu after you log in.

These go to their own private podcast feed. The podcast pages are really basic but they’re functional:


We also post around 8 manga pages / month on the calendar. This includes the prequel manga to Ever Dark, War Childe, and the very NSFW stand-alone Werewolf Next Door. To access the manga gallery, you have to log in first and then choose your volume from the main menu:

Stand-alone books and manga volumes.

A lot of people just want books and audiobooks, so here’s the basic info on that.

Amazon exclusives

Raythe has several series in Kindle Unlimited, and they all have audiobooks as well.

Check Raythe’s Amazon page to see what’s available.  (X. Aratare = ‘wraith’ in Romanian.)

our own shop

The books that start as serials can’t be in KU because they’re not exclusive. These are Ever Dark, Ever Dark Academy, Dragon’s Reign, and The Night Prince (April 24).

  • Ebooks, audiobooks, and hardcovers are in our shop. Omnibus printings will also be in our shop.
  • Ebooks and print-on-demand paperbacks are in Amazon.

How to join

Sign up here: https://raythereign.com/membership/signup

– Raythe Reign Team